To find the formula for fg(x),fg(x), we substitute g(x)g(x) into f.f.


Consider the functions

f:x2x+3,for xR,x0,g:xx2,for xR.egin{align*} &f: x mapsto 2x+3, && extrm{for } x in mathbb{R}, x geq 0, \ &g: x mapsto x^2, && extrm{for } x in mathbb{R}. end{align*}
fg(x)=f(x2){fg(x) = f(x^2)}
f:x2x+3,for xR,x0,g:xx2,for xR.egin{align*} &f: x mapsto 2x+3, && extrm{for } x in mathbb{R}, x geq 0, \ &g: x mapsto x^2, && extrm{for } x in mathbb{R}. end{align*}
gf(x)=g(2x+3){gf(x) = g(2x+3)}
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